



Working alone in our groups we miss opportunities to bring new thoughts and innovation to our endeavours.

When people are passionate about the work they do, caught up in the daily challenges of delivering services or academic pursuits, it can be easy to forget the potential benefits in forming alliances and partnerships.

Changing the status quo, solving wicked problems, or improving primary health care, requires integrated partnerships, both sectoral and multi-sectoral.

Partnerships for better health

Levers for Change, breaking a cycle of silos

Shared understanding
Shared resources
Joint planning & training
Expanded services
Building advocates & health champions
Increased resources
Workforce strengthened
Shared risks
Shared problem solving

How We Help

Partnership brokering is a key element of our work, and we can help organisations to extend their partnership reach through:

  • Strategic mapping of similar sectoral organisations and services
  • Assisting groups and organisations to develop Strategic Partnership Plan
  • Assist health workers to research, assimilate and present the evidence for multiple audiences
  • Brokering engagement with other government sectors through workshops, focus groups, and field trips
  • Strategic mapping of potential investment partners and preparing funding bids
  • Working with donor partners to align their strategies, funding and activities to provide integrated solutions that share risk and avoid duplication of effort