Our Approach

As an organisation, we are focused on building stronger health systems through a people centred and culturally appropriate approach. We appreciate the uniqueness of each situation and understand that even minimal system reform cannot commence without establishing connections of trust.

Lazuli-t fosters trust with our clients, and within our client organisations. Successfully establishing trust provides a unique environment to introduce integration and innovation, two hallmarks of Lazuli-t.

We focus on incremental change, at a pace appropriate to the environment and those affected by change. We are committed to ensuring small, strategic changes are embedded before an organisation or team attempt larger scale or widespread system reform.

We are committed to building upon the strengths that already exist within people, recognising that ‘gold’ resides in every individual if they are placed within an environment to succeed.

Our Approach

Tracey Tatnell

Tracey has a unique background with depth and breadth in senior leadership roles within Australian corporations, Government Departments, and Non-Government Organisations. Tracey has built highly successful business units and organisational divisions across numerous corporations and turned around businesses experiencing severe financial setbacks, and acute people challenges.

Tracey has worked with international governments across the Pacific, Asia, and the Middle East over the past 20 years. Internationally Tracey has advanced organisational reform and mentored senior government executives.

Based in Townsville, Australia, Tracey, and her Associates, provide services to the health and higher education sectors in Papua New Guinea and across Asia Pacific.

Tracey also works with James Cook University in Townsville to develop courses to strengthen leadership and management within the health services sector, where she also serves as an Adjunct Senior Lecturer in Public Health & Tropical Medicine.


Lazuli-t brings together relevant professionals with field and technical expertise relevant to a specific project. We only work with people we know and trust.
All associates have worked within Asia Pacific region for 20+ years in the areas of health systems strengthening, primary health care, institutional strengthening, public finance management, appropriate technology, and health higher education.